The Opinion Research Institute conducts studies on the issues that matter to local communities across the country.
When you take an ORI survey, your opinions are making a difference in your community.
The Opinion Research Institute is an industry leader in polling on issues, attitudes, and trends in America.
The Opinion Research Institute was established to conduct public opinion research on a broad range of issues for organizations in all 50 states and over 300 communities. ORI leadership has decades of experience providing clients with insightful survey research based on rigorous data collection methodologies and objective analysis.

Your Influence
Leaders want to hear from people in our communities.
They use survey research and polling to learn what people think and to inform decision making about issues at the local, state, and national level.

How are you selected?
Most ORI surveys use public voter registration records in each state to select a random sample of people to survey. Based on contact information people provide when they register to vote, ORI sends invitations to people to participate in surveys.

There is a clear code of ethics for the survey research industry. ORI respects its responsibilities to participants and the public when conducting and reporting on polls. ORI keeps all survey responses strictly confidential and only analyzes results in the aggregate. ORI will never re-contact survey participants for business or marketing purposes.